Watch this video on how to reset the waste ink pad counter of a printer
Music Courtesy of Canva, Tiltle : Happy Whistling Ukelele and Voice Narration (Belle) is generated from
Step-by-step Instructions on How to Reset Waste Ink Pad Using Epson Printer Adjustment Program Resetter Tool
1. Open the program using Winrar.
2. Run Adjproge.exe.
3. On EPSON Adjustment Program, click “Select” and choose the Model name.
4. After selecting the model name, choose the USB connection with the same model name.
5. Click “Particular Adjustment Mode“
6. Select “Waste ink pad counter” then click “OK”
7. In the Waste ink pad counter option, check the “Main pad counter” then click “Check“
8. After reading the counter, check the “Main pad counter” again and click “Initialize” to reset the ink pad counter to zero. Finally, reboot the printer. Enjoy printing!
Watch this actual online resetting service in L3101 printer
Music Courtesy of Canva, Tiltle : Happy Whistling Ukelele